
trace/play (2024) Eric Dean Gallery, Crawfordville, IN

Freedom From and Freedom To (2023) Elastic Arts, Chicago, IL
Sojourn Village (2023) Rooms to Let Festival, Cleveland, OH

Sojourn 33 (2023) Convivium 33 Gallery, Cleveland, OH

CUSP (2023) Convivium 33 Gallery, Cleveland, OH

Freedom From and Freedom To (2023) Elastic Arts, Chicago IL

Freedom From and Freedom To (2022) Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, IL

Hot Mess: Move Move Takeover (2022) Elastic Arts, Chicago, IL

bi panic (2021) Smith College, Northampton, MA
home truth (2021) Smith College, Northampton, MA

T E M P L E (2020) Whitney Farmstead, Ann Arbor, MI

traces - for papa (2020) Dallas, TX
TORCH (2019) Smith College, Northampton, MA
small pond (2019) Smith College Northampton, MA

BODY PUZZLES (2018) Links Hall, Chicago, IL